Monday, August 21, 2006

How best to eat Murtabak!

Hi ya'll. Another weekend of eating! haha .. but best of all is a day of eating Murtabak. Most people know how to eat Murtabak so perhaps this might not be a blog for you to read. However, sometimes we tend to forget the simple things in life thus why I'd like to blog about this.

How best to eat Murtabak!

Types of Murtabak available at restaurants:

1. Murtabak Biasa - Plain

Best eaten: Order dry, less oil, crispy and not burn't

2. Murtabak Talur - with eggs

Best eaten: Less oil, crispy on the outside, softer on the inside (egg part)

3. Murtabak Daging - with meat and mixed vegetables

Best eaten: Meat well cooked, Vegetable not too overcooked and sliced into 4 pieces

4. Murtabak Corn Beef - with corn beef! That's obvious

Best eaten: As it is! Corn beef atu udah nyaman, has its own oil so add no further!

5. Murtabak turned Pastry - This is more like a do your own. Buy the frozen ones and pack it with filling. Spread egg yolk on top for shine. Oven or grill till cook! Yum. Makes a quick snack for self and guest!

Types of Sauces to go with your Murtabak:

1. Daal - Lentils

Sauce not spicy, good for vegetarians and those who do not like spicy food.

2. Chicken Curry - This is people's favourite! Always ask for some if not one chicken! Normally only given the curry sauce

3. Beef Curry - Becoming less often available. However, do ask. If you don't almost always they will give you chicken curry

4. Lamb Curry - huh?? I can hear people saying inda jua ada tu. It's not that they don't have its just that people dont normally ask. So if you're a lamb curry fan and would want to have lamb with your murtabak, just ask. Sometimes they might even charge you a small price for this sauce.

5. Fish Curry - One of the best curries to eat with murtabak. I guess fish curry are lighter than other meat curries. They have a bit of an Asam (sour) taste to it which makes this curry a better choice for me though.

6. Not to worry for those non-curry, non-spicy lovers. There are other ways to eat Murtabak with. You can either it eat plain with no sauces, or with the curries above or with Susu Manis - Condensed Milk. Sweet but nice!

Drinks that goes well with Murtabak:

1. Teh Tarik - hot or cold (Ping)

2. Teh C, Teh 0 - Hot

3. Coffee - black, sweetend or with milk

4. Teh Tarik India - Like Teh Tarik above, just with extra milk and the extra presentation of the layers, milk on the bottom, brown teh tarik on top

5. Milo or Horlick is okay but the sweetness and chocolatey and malty taste can take away the flavours of the murtabak.

Food that goes well with Murtabak:

1. Mee Goreng! and Mee Goreng only

Not mee hoon goreng not keow tiau. Just the old fashioned C.A.M's mee goreng! Swwweetttt sound of the weekend!

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