Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Who Teaches & Who Learns?

Another amazing video made by BorgKingKong. This time, a video dedicated to Pusat Ehsan - a centre for special people. I won't say much, just watch the video. Also, I'll just paste an extract from his post. Hope you don't mind, BorgKingKong. Just want to share your story :)

"I am particularly touched by the stories of these valiant kids, that despite their 'limitations' fight to become what we take for granted: our independence and ability to do things for ourselves. Jafar (you see him in the video) for example is a 17 year old boy who has cerebral palsy and who lost both his parents to a tragic car accident. When he joined the centre, he told the centre his biggest wish was to be able to walk. Asking for some basic materials, he fashioned himself a knee pad so he could walk. Despite his disability and what little he may have compared to us, he still does his part for the centre, insisting he donate $10 of his $200 monthly allowance to help the centre. The courage this boy has in turn, given those who know him, great strength and spirit through his example."

When I read the above, one thing came to mind. A quote which I particularly like everytime I happen to watch the advertisement about the teacher & her students on Astro TV. In her line of work, she of course educates the kids but at the same time, she found out that she actually learns from them too. From there, she questions herself:

"Who teaches and who learns?"

I believe we all can learn from one another, even from a baby - how they never give up when learning new stuff such as when learning to stand. They try and try, never giving up even after landing hard on their tiny cute bottoms many times. That's my belief anyways.

Please support, in anywhere you can,
Pusat Ehsan and other organizations such as Pusat Bahagia, SMARTER to name a few. Surely it would not only bring a smile to their faces but yours too!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Morning of the Final Day of National Day Rehearsals

Must Have... NOT!

The downtown bag below by LV is included as one of the top 40 new season bags - a must have apparently according to handbag.com. Guess how much it costs?????

(Photo Credit: here)

800 pounds!! Crazy or what??! I really wonder if anyone will actually buy it hehe C'mon, I can get a cheaper and affordable look-a-like if I want to.. (without the LV chop, of course hehe)

Starting prices is $4.00 but since I friend friend you, can get discount lah! Cheap Cheap only! Anyone interested can just leave a msg or email us hahaa ;p

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

What a skating robot?

I been meaning to blog this one like many weeks ago.. as usual... blogging doesn't come naturally to me. Seriously... its like, when am not busy.. my bad folks!.. Anyways... I thought this one is cool.. i keep playing the video.. cali and the music can be merry.

Check it out

Hey Spidey... u should get this and add to your comic and collections..cool kali ah!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Get A Mac Ads

So far there's 3 kinds of "Get A Mac" adverts to suit the culture in each country. Which do you prefer? If there should be a "Get A Mac" advert for Brunei, who do you think will be "Mac" and "PC"?? hehehe Kudil?? Liau Badar??

Click on the images below to watch the TV ads for US, UK and Japan respectively.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Blogging Nicknames

haha was blog hopping and I came across this website - marvel-less-talk.blogspot.com. A local blogger who takes photos of his comic figures collection and makes it into a comic strip. Click on the above to check out his work; it's creative & funny! I found his latest work especially funny.. i quote:

"how did u come up with your blogging nickname?"

haha.. ctautau, how did WE come up with OURS?? hehhe ;)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Color Your Shuffle

Yayyyy! Shuffles now has more exciting colors to offer than the dull grey! It looks way awesome.. lawa ehhh! Makes me want to buy one straightaway! Haha..

c tautau, maybe you'll be offered this in March nanti?? ;) Cool tu eh! All photos taken from here.