Wednesday, September 13, 2006

New Ipods Update from 12th September It’s Showtime.

Not much of a showtime for me cos was expecting a better version of apple ipod video. They came up with a 5.5G ipod video. Bosan! Only consolation is that Apple maybe dropping prices whilst expanding storage. Rumours has it that the new 30GB iPod cost US$250 (about B$400) previously B$500 plus, and the new 80 gigger for $350 (about $560).

Look at the new video ipod specs, screen is now 60% brighter, the battery can last up to 3.5 hours during video playback, and the iPod includes new headphones, but otherwise the specs remain the same. Hmmm bosan. Can do more with current 30G ipod video.

Not all is loss, Apple did come up with other cool Ipods. The new apple shuffle is very cool and very small too. Comes in just a 1GB capacity, and sports a shiny new aluminum body with a clip for easy wearability. Dang, makes my current shuffle look so worlds apart. Dang! Can I sell my shuffle? Hehehe any takers? Bargain basement price of only $79 (About B$126)

Also a new look for the nano ipod. Version looks like the older version mini ipod. They all sport an even-thinner aluminum case and are available in (again, mini-like) green, silver, black, blue, and pink. However, the 2GB and 8GB version are available in aluminum and black only, respectively. As for pricing, $149 for 2GB, $199 for 4GB, and $249 for the 8GB model. Apple sez: "Double the storage for the same price". So I guess the new ipod nano is a thumbs up look wise.

Hey c tau gaban.. now you can buy this one!

There you go on the Ipod updates. ‘Sigh’…. :)

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