Sunday, May 06, 2007

Help to build a Masjid in Canterbury, Kent, UK

About Canterbury Muslim Cultural Centre (CMCC) Situation:

  • Been trying to build a Masjid since 1982 when first application was submitted to City Council
  • Up until March 2004, five applications have been rejected
  • Alhamdullilah, with perseverance & hard work, application was approved in November 2004
  • In 1997, bought a house for GBP165,000 raised from donations since 1982
  • Since then, have spend over GBP 30,000 in extension and renovation works
  • They have small Muslim community of over 70 families and 250 University students
  • Premises too small to accomodate the Jum'ah congregation and hence need to raise more money to build a two-storey extension
  • Cost of this work will be GBP 150,000
  • To date, have received GBP 70,000 and received a pledge of GBP 30,000 as interest-free loan and still in need of GBP50,000 for the work to begin
If anyone wants to donate, they can:

(1) By Cheque:
To those who are generous and want to donate GBP100 for 1sq feet, please could you send a cheque (NO CASH please!) payable to:


and send it to their Brunei Reperesentative's address:


Insya Allah, she will send the cheque personally to the CMCC treasurer and will get the receipt for you (pls write your name and address at the back)

(2) To those in UK:
Can deposit your donation directly to the CMCC bank account:

Account name: CMCC
Bank: Lloyds TSB
Sort code: 30-91-60
A/c no: 03979460
Bank address: LLoyds TSB, 49 High Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2SE, UK

(3) To those in Brunei:
Alhamdulillah, so far they have received many emails from Brunei asking how to donate from Brunei. For those who wants to donate, they can deposit the amount at the Brunei Rep's account (which she will be using for now as the unofficial tabung derma)

Please email for bank details to: Hajah May Ariffin at
What she will do:
  • Email your address and amount, Insya Allah she will send the receipt (if you require one)
  • Withdraw your donation from there every FRIDAY
(4) For those with HSBC UK account:
And want to donate at the comfort of your own house/office/room to Brunei Rep's HSBC UK Account, please email: Hajah May Ariffin at

(5) Pay through PayPal
Email Address:

For any other enquiry, please contact: CMCC at or Hajah May Ariffin at

Other Info from Brunei Rep's:
  • Alhamdulillah, to date, the amount collected (through Hjh May Ariffin) is B$4,300
  • Mudah2an hajat orang Islam di Canterbury mendirikan masjid tercapai
  • Dan mudah2an Allah Taala jua membalas abiskita dan keluarga for your kind heart and help

A lil something from Bahapa Kitani to share with all :
  • Allah Ta’ala berfirman, “Perumpamaan (nafkah yang dikeluarkan oleh) orang-orang yang menafkahkan hartanya di jalan Allah adalah serupa dengan sebutir benih yang menumbuhkan tujuh bulir, pada tiap-tiap bulir seratus biji. Allah melipatgandakan (ganjaran) bagi siapa yang Dia kehendaki. Dan Allah maha luas (kurnia-Nya) lagi maha mengetahui”. {Al Baqarah (2) : 261}
  • Dari Abu Hurairah RA, bahwa sesungguhnya Rasulullah SAW, telah bersabda: “Bila seorang hamba telah meninggal, segala amalnya terputus, kecuali tiga hal : amal jariyah, ilmu yang bermanfaat atau anak salih yang mendo’akannya” (HR. Bukhari, dalam Adabul Mufrad)
  • Antara Sadaqah Jariah di mana kebaikannya tidak berakhir ialah melibatkan diri dalam pembangunan masjid
  • Among Al Sadiqat Al Jariah where the actions outlives you is participating in the building of a masjid


Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Hjh. May,

Alhamdulillah, your effort to help Muslim brothers and sisters in Kent - Allah saja membalaskan. Could I just ask you out of curiosity, although, some might not agree with me, since your emails are sent to Government Servants of His Majesty. With that we are bound on the general order / financial regulation and sebagainya. As I understood, even if its charity mesti ada kebenaran terdahulu - as I have encounter such kutipan di kampung2 untuk Masjid di Malaysia. Kebenaran surat ada disertakan. I just would like to find out saja. To others, don't make this email alasan not to donate if you already intend to. I am just curious and need kepastian.



Anonymous said...

Assalmualaikum DkCt,

Thanks for your comment. Maybe it would be better if you could email your comment to Hajah May directly because we're just helping her to raise more awareness by posting it here. It's not really her own blog.

However, we do appreciate you coming here and your comment.

Thank you.