1. Get mentally, physically and spiritually prepared for Hajj
2. Prepare what to bring early and get em ready. Here's some lists to help you.
4. Pray as much as you can include 5 main prayers, prayer sunat - hajat, jenazah, etc,
5. Read and follow RUKUN, WAJIB and SUNAT Haji. Any RUKUN Haji not done means no Haj. Any WAJIB Haji no done must pay a penalty known as DAM. Sunat Haji adds value but not a must and if not done does not pay DAM.
6. Read Quran a whole lot
7. Doa as much as you can.
8. Talbiah, tasbih, tahmid as much as you can.
9. Remember what you are going for Haji for.
10. SABAR and plenty of em <----- This is KEY to whole thing!
11. Learn anggota wajib for wudhu to help avoid going to toilet too long.
12. Ask God Allah for help so tani inda kat kantut, inda kuat bekamih or going to toilet for the big one. Insyallah to help us be able to pray and avoid going to toilet esp when there is a lot a people during this time.
13. Sedakah if possible put in the ready available boxes in masjid or around town.
14. Ask the Mutawib for help or travel agent if you don't know. Jangan malu betanya
15. Always check leaflets or annoucement usually during meals for any trips organised, any announcements made, any classes arranged. Yes apparently there are classes ulangkaji for people who wants to remember.
1. Bring too much stuff including food. You will have enough insyallah
2. Shop too much. Apparently that's what people tend to do. Remember what we go for Haj for.
3. Bring too much CASH to masjid. Put money in a safe. If need to bring money to masjid just bring enough to buy food or drinks or sedakah
4. Allocate time to SHOP to avoid bringing too much money
5. Don't overdo on UMRAH. Yes you can but you are here for Haj so preserve energy for the big thing - HAJI
6. As much as orang Brunei kuat bersedakah, Shukur Alhamdulillah, take care when bersedakah to kids or people on the street. Yes kesian but we do need to be careful jua. Just nod and walk away if need to. Some say once you give in the open, you can be bombarded by a lot more. So do take care.
7. Panic when lost. Stay calm and pray to God. Find a place where you think Bruneians will be there.
8. Try to go your own way. Eg if travel agent say we wont be staying over Muzdalifah, then don't go your own way to stay over or else you might be left behind and end up walking all the way to Mina.
9. Carry too much stuff during wukuf. Travel light, you might not know the bus will park very far from the tent. You will need to drag your bag quite a distance. So try to make life easier for you and others.
I know i have more to list but again I am kinda in a hurry so will add more later. Please send in comments or email us and share your experiences or do's and don'ts during or for Haji.
Your contribution is greatly appreciated! Every little helps!
1 comment:
you keep spelling Hajj incorrectly.
other than that this is really good!! kepp up the work!!
thank you!
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